Wednesday, 26 August 2015

• The Spencer Hastings Shirt •

Of course I posed in front of a bookcase. It was inevitable.
SO all everyone can talk about lately is Pretty Little Liars, social media is practically being suffocated by talk over the reveal of A and who had been torturing the girls all this time (I was so convinced it was Dan Humphrey)...

Personally, one of the main incentives for watching the show wasn't just the elaborate story lines or the admittedly attractive boyfriends - here's looking at you Keegan Allen - but also the fashion. Spencer Hastings is by far my favourite character, which inadvertently draws me to garments I can picture her wearing. 

Shirt •  Skirt

I kind of feel like I could take down A in this outfit. The denim skirt is admittably not very Spencer-esque, but I wanted something a bit leggy to contrast against the bagginess of the top. I'm going to university this year (woo!) so I'm thinking this will be perfect for lectures. Perhaps the shirt will convince everyone that I actually know what I'm talking about.

My cat doesn't look particularly impressed by my photo shoot.


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pssssst I also have a book blog, check it out! 


  1. Hahahahaha,I've fallen in love with the "I was convinced it was Dan Humphrey".
    I think your outfit is simple but lovely even despite your cat doesn't look very impressed.
    I'm gonna star to watch this autumn Pretty little liars I think because
    everyone talk about it so much.

    Your blog is lovely, so, you've got here a new follower.

    With love,

    1. Aha thank you!! You definitely should, at least at the start it's a great show.
      You're so lovely! Thank you, I really appreciate it!
      Victoria xox

  2. I loveeee pinstriped shirts! It's just such a nice elegant piece and when you pair it up with something casual, it's still got the touch of class! love this post and you look gorg!

    ♥ Lauren xx | laurlauu . beauty . fashion . life . blog

    1. Aweee thanks for this comment, so sweet! Love your blog!
      Victoria xox

  3. So Gorgeous ! xxxxxxxxxxxxx
