Wednesday, 10 June 2015

How To Get Massive Lashes • Maybelline Lash Sensation Review

Lashes are a game changer. A good mascara can take you from doe-eyed to cat-eyed in just a few flicks of a wand, and I'm a firm believer that a decent mascara does not need to be an expensive one. For the past few years, I've been in obsessed with Benefit's They're Real; as a keen advocate of quality over quantity, I've always been willing to fork out the bone-chilling £19.50. However, last month I discovered Maybelline Lash Sensation, which kind of blew Benefit out of the water... and just for £7.99.

Since I work on a make up counter, I find myself frequently subjected to questions such as:
What mascara do you use? Are your lashes real? How do you make your lashes so long?
In reality, I have long but very thin eyelashes, and though they may be dark they're definitely not as full as I'd like! So coming from someone with painfully average eyelashes, be assured that thick lashes are not something you have to be born with.
Over my time as a beauty obsessor I've picked up a few little tips and tricks to getting massive lashes, and with this new product there's no need to break the bank.


Dry Mascara Wand


I've found lashes look longest against matte eye shadow. It gives a smooth canvas to contrast against the thickness of your lashes. Also, thanks to Kylie Jenner matte colours are in style at the moment. What would we do without the Kardashians, aye?
Though I love the Naked 2 Palette from Urban Decay, it is definitely not essential. Any mauve-toned lid colour and soft brown will do. However, if you are using this palette, start with Foxy on the lid, add some purple tones with Tease, a tiny bit of Busted in the crease to smoke it up and Bootycall to highlight beneath the brow bone and the tear ducts. Also, to draw attention to your lashes, ensure your brows are neat and primped. I use Brow Zings from Benefit to get that perfect brow arch!


Using a liner on your upper lash line will give the illusion of fuller looking lashes. I love They're Real Push-up liner - it's one of the first gel liners in a pen form. With a flexible nib getting a sharp flick is nowhere near as daunting as liquid liners, and the sharpness of the point allows the precision you need to get the colour as thin or thick as you'd like. I've extended the gel liner onto the lower lash line too, just below the water line so it won't smudge! If you'd like a slighter smokier look, take a matte black eye shadow and brush it beneath the waterline.


You might be wondering what the hell this is. I've taken one of my old mascaras and dried out the wand, washing out any excess product. Now, I've got a home made spooley that I use not only to tame the brows but to brush through my lashes to separate and prep before the mascara application. Just make sure to thoroughly wash the brush before using!


Just throwing it out there - I'M INFATUATED WITH THIS MASCARA. It's not too drying so there's no problem with flaking, however it never smudges which is a breath of fresh air. The lasting power is ridiculous, my lashes look incredible at 9 in the morning and look identical at 9 at night. If you look closely at the wand it's shaped like a very shallow sideways C, meaning if you place the dip beneath the lashes and curl upwards it acts like a curling wand.

- It's all about coating. Put a coat on your lashes, leave it to dry and then add another one. My finished result is 4 coats! Though that sounds excessive, it's better to build up the mascara than to keep loading it on in all one go.
- Curl the wand upwards as you coat the lashes. Twisting the wand will allow the lashes to curl.
- Blink against the wand. The movement of your lashes against the bristles of the wand will coat the lashes from beginning to tip.
- Coat the underside of the lashes as well, this step is crucial! Look downwards, take the wand and coat that side of your lashes, too. Both sides need the TLC!
- Use the wand horizontally to separate any lashes that are clumping together.
- When it comes to the lower lashes, use a zig-zagging motion, this will really elongate every individual lower lash. Also darkening the bottom lashes really opens up the eyes and makes them appear bigger and fuller!
- Don't be afraid to take a pair of tweezers to separate any lashes. Just please, don't poke yourself in the eye.

Aaaaaand this is the end result!

Overall, I'd give this mascara a 10/10. I'm not usually this generous with make up products, but I literally can't find any faults! And for £7.99, where can you go wrong?

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  1. Your lashes looks amazing great blog post!:-)
    I'm following you on bloglovin

  2. Awww your eyes look like Bambi!! Wait, was Bambi the Disney character with proper long eyelashes?? Or was it Thumper? I can't even remember...whatever, your eyelashes look mega long is what I was trying to say with that :-)
